CyberAgent received five stars as the highest-ranking agency for the 5th consecutive term as a Criteo Certified Partner

Feb 15 2018

CyberAgent was once again certified as the No.1 agency of Criteo in sales and the number of clients.
CyberAgent, Inc. (Head office: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo; President: Susumu Fujita; listed in the first section of Tokyo Stock Exchange; Stock Code: 4751) received five stars (★★★★★) as the highest-ranking agency for the 5th consecutive term, as a Criteo Certified Partner (a system for evaluating agencies with stars), which certifies agencies that keep selling ad products of Criteo (headquartered in France, NASDAQ: CRTO) with higher quality. Criteo is a firm that boasts highly regarded commerce marketing technologies.
In that system, which was started by Criteo on July 1, 2015, agencies that satisfy the conditions specified by Criteo are recognized as authorized agencies, and ranked with stars. The number of stars ranges from one (★) to five (★★★★★). Criteo highly evaluates authorized agencies that sell its products sufficiently, have profound knowledge of the products, and can give appropriate proposals to meet the needs of advertising enterprises.
CyberAgent is the No.1 agency of Criteo in the aspects of sales and the number of clients, and received five stars (★★★★★) for the first time in Japan as an important sales partner that possesses profound knowledge and plentiful experience about ad products provided by Criteo, and has received five stars for the fifth consecutive term.  
Our company will keep offering marketing solutions with the highest speed and quality in Japan by utilizing our advanced skills and plentiful experience for ad products of Criteo, which excels at producing and distributing personalized recommendation ads.
<For reference>
List of agencies authorized by Criteo Certified Partners
Regarding Criteo
Criteo (NASDAQ: CRTO), which is the leader of commerce marketing, has developed an open commerce marketing ecosystem for achieving high performance in order to help retailers and brands increase profit and sales. Over 2,800 team members of Criteo offer a system with which users can encounter what they really demand, in cooperation with 18,000 advertisers and thousands of publishers around the world. The online transaction amount analyzed in the commerce marketing ecosystem of Criteo exceeds 600 billion dollars.

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